Cheek / Cheekbone

Dream meaning of Cheek / Cheekbone

Q: Dream of having eyebrows on the cheekbones.
A: Indicates good luck, signifies a long and prosperous life, also known as a wise to obtain power.

Q: Dream of cheekbones transforming into a fish head.
A: Indicates great fortune, it signifies abundant wealth and power, as well as success in career and business, recovery from illness, and the birth of a male child for those who desire offspring.

Q: Dream of pimples or sores growing on the cheekbones.
A: Indicates good luck. It signifies a prosperous and successful period of holding power.

Q: Dream of butterflies growing on the cheekbones.
A: It signifies the possibility of being harmed by others.



Q: Dream of plum blossoms growing on the cheekbones.
A: Indicates good luck, it signifies happiness for young people, assistance for the poor, and recovery from illness for the sick.

Q: Dream of human heads growing on the cheekbones.
A: Great fortune, it signifies a powerful and influential presence that impacts a whole.

Q: Dream of prominent and protruding cheekbones.
A: Good luck, dream suggests a period of power and influence, with both glory and disgrace.

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