Dream meaning of Children
Q: Dreaming of you yourself, like children.
A: Sign of bad luck for the family.
Q: Dreaming that children have changed clothes.
A: Indicates weeping.
Q: Dreaming of children weeping.
A: Indicates weeping along with parents.
Q: Dreaming of children climbing a mountain.
A: If the dreamer is a noble person, it indicates further elevation in status. If the dreamer is ill, it suggests worsening health.
Q: Dreaming of children suddenly dying.
A: Indicates a positive omen for recovery from illness.
Q: Dreaming of children in the water.
A: Suggests a bad omen for premature death. However, if the dreamer’s zodiac sign is associated with fire wood, praying can lighten and aid the situation.
Q: Dreaming of children asking for food.
A: Bad omen, but it does not apply to young children.
Q: Dreaming of children riding in the same car/vehicle/transportation tool.
A: Suggests the dreamer will have good and capable sons-in-law or daughters-in-law.
Q: Dreaming of children laughing and playing.
A: Indicates happiness and joy for both the children and parents.
Q: Dreaming of children saying a goodbye.
A: Indicates the dreamer will have a temporary separation from them. This also applies to the dreamer’s parents.
Q: Dreaming of children being welcomed back.
A: Indicates the dreamer will be reunited with them. This also applies to the dreamer’s parents.