Dream meaning of Eggplant
Q: Dreaming of silver eggplant.
A: Auspicious. If a noble person dreams of this, they may become more suspicious in their actions. If an ordinary person dreams of this, they may meet someone important while traveling. If someone who has been wrongly accused dreams of this, they may be able to clear their name. If someone who is ill dreams of this, they may recover. If someone who is going through a difficult time dreams of this, good things may come to them.
Q: Dreaming of purple eggplant.
A: Auspicious, If the dreamers dreams of being given the purple eggplant, the dreamer will receive a child servant. If the dreamer gives it to someone else, it signifies a trade. If someone dreams of eating raw purple eggplant, they may have a baby boy. If they dream of eating cooked purple eggplant, they may have a baby girl.
Q: Dreaming of someone eats eggplant in a dream.
A: Signifies that their wife will have a child.