
Dream meaning of Lice

Q: Dreaming of see lice.
A: Facing on a difficult situation.

Q: Dreaming of lice growing on your own skin.
A: It’s a good omen, indicating that there will be endless business opportunities for you.

Q: Dreaming of lice from someone else’s body flying towards you.
A: It’s a good omen, indicating that you will gain external wealth.

Q: Dreaming of lice growing on your waist.
A: It’s a good omen, indicating that your energy will increase and your financial situation will improve.



Q: Dreaming of catching lice.
A: It means that you are in control of your own destiny, whether you are seeking wealth, longevity, good health, or relief from worries, are all under controlled by you.

Q: Dreaming of looking for lice and kills them.
A: Incoming of wealth luck.

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