Dream meaning of Lips
Q: Dreaming of thin lips.
A: Indicate a woman will have good luck, also means gaining trust from the mass.
Q: Dreaming of those with red lips.
A: Signifies approaching wealth, while those with pale or white lips are unlucky.
Q: Dreaming of having thick lips.
A: Sign that they may face a lawsuit.
Q: Dreaming of pointed lips being cut or shattered.
A: A bad omen, indicating that disaster is approaching.
Q: Dreaming of a changing of lip.
A: Good omen, the dreamer’s luck is improving, they will have abundance in food and drink, and any past difficulties will disappear. However, if someone who are good are talking or speech, it may be difficult to explain or interpret.
Q: Dreaming of having chapped lips.
A: Auspicious. rich people will not compete with others for profit, and for poor people, it is a sign of great fortune.
Q: Dreaming of someone opening their lip(mouth).
A: Sign of inauspicious, sign of a growth of be trouble or disputes.
Q: Dreaming of someone cutting off your lips.
A: Auspicious.
Q: Dreaming of a having pale lips.
A: indicates that she will be faithful to her husband or lover.
Q: Dreaming of a woman with black lips.
A: Sign of misfortunes.
Q: Dreaming of a woman with red lips.
A: Indicates of being deceived or cheated.