Dream meaning of Patient
Q: Dreaming of a sick child falling to the ground.
A: Bad omen.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person gets up.
A: Dead is approaching.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person gets on a transportation tool(horse, cars, train, airplane, etc).
A: A very bad omen.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person is loaded onto a transportation tool(horse, cars, train, airplane, etc).
A: They will die.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person riding in a transportation too(horse, cars, train, airplane, etc).
A: They will die.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person eating.
A: A bad omen.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person falling to the ground.
A: A bad omen.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person taking a bath.
A: Bad omen.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person losing their parents.
A: Their family will be at peace.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person vomiting out worms.
A: They will obtain an official position.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person vomiting food.
A: They will recover.
Q: Dreaming of a sick person getting off a boat.
A: It is a great omen.